Quilts I have made .....

The pics above show little girls' quilts ... oh, the furball is Spike ... he's in quality control, he checks it for softness, sleepability, warmth, etc.  No quilt leaves the home without me having to use the lint roller on it to clean up little bits of cat hair (shhh, what people don't know, won't hurt them) ... argh ... cute little feller, though.

I didn't really have a pattern for this one ... just made it up as I went along.  Made it for myself because I loved the fabric ... so cute.  I have a thing for cat fabric which I'm sure you haven't noticed.

In the "breakfast nook" (as if I live in this huge mansion ... you're probably thinking "wow" a breakfast nook, wonder what she's got hanging in the conservatory (actually no quilts, just some of the people I used to work with).  Again, cat fabric in this one ... shut up!

As you can see, my quilts are pretty simple, not really up to the fancier, more difficult patterns yet ... maybe one day I will become a more serious quilter.  I did stretch myself for the next one, though.  Again, no pattern, just made it up as I went along (except for the embroidery pattern, of course).  The embroidery was a lot of fun even though I didn't really know what I was doing.

Here's a quilt I made for my daughter ... she picked the fabric ... no kitty-cat fabric allowed in her apartment.  Whas'up with that??

Anyway, more another day, my man servant has just brought me my coffee .... :O)

... and the very next day ...

Okay, I'm back to show that I have actually made some quilts that don't have cats on them:

Here's a quilt with some bugs ... bugs can be cute (unless it's crawling up your leg) ...

I made this quilt for a raffle at a fundraiser for a co-worker who had been diagnosed with cancer ...
And for that same lovely lady, I made this next one for her to take with her for comfort during chemo treatments ...

That's minky fabric on the back which I love for its softness.

The next one was a wedding gift for a couple who love horses and was a bit of a challenge for me.  It was a panel and, again, I didn't have a pattern but just sort of an idea of how I wanted it to look ...

And this one, oh, whoopsie ... how did that one get in there??

I had to make this one for my quality control person as an employee bonus for all his excellent work.  Spike is actually a little man trapped in a cat suit.

The next one is just one I made myself with a charm pack, easy-peasy pattern called disappearing nine-patch .... Hey, you in the back, wake up ... I'm doing a quilt show here.  Yeah, I'm starting to get boring so that's all for now, folks.

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